Being the product a perfect way of social and cultura! sharing and expression of a lifesttyle, translates into severa I different chances of tasting: private homes (5%) wine shops and wine bars (33%) restaurants (62%). According to neew trends the key is the deepest knowledge of the products, reached through the learning of new technologies and the easy accessibility to infos for the products such as production, types, origin and matching. Furthermore, its mandatory to point the focus of consumers on economie sustainability’s value, packaging , using any possible channels such as Facebook, Twitter, lnstagram, Snapchat and Youtube plus the sìngle brands amd multi-brand owned domains. This formula proved to be a winning one by reaching 60°/o of customers, wine anthusiats and earn their loyalty.
Therefore, with a good 40o/o of remaining eventual customers tthere is plenty of room to offer a product that can turn into a status symbol, more than just something for daily consumption. Nectar of Bacco is contemporary, emblem of good taste and leading the trend as accessibJe luxury.